WordPress Security Checklist
- Choose a reputable hosting provider
- Pick a strong password for your hosting account and enable 2FA if possible
Control panel
- Pick a strong password for your control panel account and enable 2FA if possible
- Enable an anti-virus software if there is one (cPanel has ClamAV scanner which can be enabled via WHM)
- Enforce HTTPS
- Install a security plugin (Wordfence is the most popular free option)
- Schedule regular backups of your website (you can use UpdraftPlus)
- Pick a strong password for the admin account
- Delete unused accounts
- Enforce strong passwords for users
- Disable registration if you don't need it (Settings > General > Uncheck 'Anyone can register')
- Disable XML-RPC if you don't need it (you most likely don't)
- Regularly change passwords
- Activate 2FA for admin accounts (can be done with Wordfence)
- Add a captcha to the admin login page (can be done with Wordfence)
- Hide the login page (you can use WPS Hide Login)
Themes and plugins
- Don't overload your website with too many plugins/themes
- Don't use plugins/themes that are not regularly updated
- NEVER use cracked/nulled plugins/themes
- Keep your plugins/themes up to date